Armitage Shanks Looking Deeper 15

Issue 15 | Spring 2024

replacement body disinfection programme; any heavy use areas, such as doctors' surgeries, walk-in centres or veterinary centres, with their multiple different users all carry high infection risks; while care homes could also incorporate the combination for their residents to ensure safe and effective hand washing. While this wash station combination comes at a higher cost compared to a traditional standard basin and tap, it may not be essential for every setting. However, in environments with elevated infection risks and vulnerable patients, this solution offers a thought-out and effective 'safe' hot water delivery solution.

The tap also has a removable spout that can be sterilised. Keeping a stock of spare clean spouts allows the tap to remain operational

the chance of bacteria growing anywhere near the area in which the user washes their hands. In effect, the basin and mixer combination applies a clinical approach to hand washing for patient areas as well as staff areas. There are several applications where this hand washing solution is likely to be particularly effective: patient en suites would benefit from having optimum control of hand washing water temperatures coupled with a strict

The tap is stripped down allowing all the components to be thoroughly disinfected

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