Ideal Standard Reservation List

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RetailReservation ProductList

A1313NU Built-in basin m ixerkit1 A5803A2 Idealrainround300m m f ixedrainshowerhead,brushedgold A5803A5 Idealrain round 300m m f ixed rainshowerhead,m agneticgrey A5803GN Idealrain round 300m m f ixed rainshow erhead,silverstorm A5804A2 Idealrainround400m m f ixedrainshowerhead,brushedgold A5804A5 Idealrainround400m m f ixedrainshowerhead,m agneticgrey A5804GN Idealrainround400m m f ixedrainshowerhead,silverstorm A5805A2 Idealrain square300m m f ixedrainshowerhead,brushedgold A5805A5 Idealrain square300m m f ixed rainshowerhead,m agneticgrey A5805GN Idealrain square300m m f ixed rainshow erhead,silverstorm A5806A2 Idealrain square400m m f ixedrainshowerhead,brushedgold A5806A5 Idealrain square400m m f ixed rainshowerhead,m agneticgrey A5806GN Idealrain square400m m f ixed rainshow erhead,silverstorm

A5813A2 Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,brushed gold A5813A5 Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,m agneticgrey A5813GN Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,silverstorm A5814A2 Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,brushed gold A5814A5 Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,m agneticgrey A6956A2 Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,brushed gold Page1of39

A6956A5 Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,m agneticgrey A6956GN Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixervalve,silverstorm A7009A5 ConnectAirBuilt-In Basin M ixerwith 225m m Spout,m agneticgrey A7009AA ConnectAirBuilt-InBasinM ixerwith225m m Spout,chrom e A7009GN ConnectAirBuilt-In Basin M ixerwith 225m m Spout,silverstorm A7029A2 ConnectAirBuilt-InBasinM ixerwith185m m Spout,brushedgold A7029A5 ConnectAirBuilt-In Basin M ixerwith 185m m Spout,m agneticgrey A7029AA ConnectAirBuilt-InBasinM ixerwith185m m Spout,chrom e A7029GN ConnectAirBuilt-In Basin M ixerwith 185m m Spout,silverstorm

A7047A2 ConnectAirsingleleverbasin m ixer,brushed gold A7047A5 ConnectAirsingleleverbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey A7047AA ConnectAirsingleleverbasin m ixer,chrom e A7047GN ConnectAirsingleleverbasin m ixer,silverstorm A7048A2 ConnectAirm inisingleleverbasin m ixer,brushedgold A7048A5 ConnectAirm inisingleleverbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey A7048AA ConnectAirm inisingleleverbasin m ixer,chrom e A7048GN ConnectAirm inisingleleverbasin m ixer,silverstorm A7049A2 ConnectAirsinglelevertal ves elbasin m ixer,brushed gold A7049A5 ConnectAirsinglelevertal ves elbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey


A7049GN ConnectAirsinglelevertal ves elbasin m ixer,silverstorm A7051AA ConnectAirtwo holedualcontrolbathf iler,chrom e

A7295A2 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletround show erm ixer,brushed gold A7295A5 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletround show erm ixer,m agneticgrey A7295GN Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletround show erm ixer,silverstorm A7296A2 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2outletround showerm ixer,brushed gold A7296A5 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletround show erm ixer,m agneticgrey A7296GN Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletround show erm ixer,silverstorm A7301A2 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletsquareshow erm ixer,brushed gold A7301A5 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletsquareshow erm ixer,m agneticgrey A7301GN Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletsquareshow erm ixer,silverstorm A7302A2 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletsquareshow erm ixer,brushed gold A7302A5 Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletsquareshow erm ixer,m agneticgrey A7302GN Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletsquareshow erm ixer,silverstorm A7371A2 Concasingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,brushed gold A7371A5 Concasingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerw ith 180m m spout,m agneticgrey A7371AA Concasingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,chrom e A7371GN Concasingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerw ith 180m m spout,silverstorm A7373AA Concasingleleverbuilt-in show erm ixer,chrom e


A7378A2 Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,brushedgold A7378A5 Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerw ith 180m m spout,m agneticgrey A7378AA Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,chrom e A7378GN Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerw ith 180m m spout,silverstorm A7380A2 Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,brushedgold A7380A5 Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,m agneticgrey A7380AA Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerwith 180m m spout,chrom e A7380GN Joysingleleverbuilt-in basin m ixerw ith 180m m spout,silverstorm

A7382AA Joysingleleverbuilt-in shower,chrom e A7387AA Joyfreestanding bath spout,chrom e

A7522A2 Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,brushed gold A7522A5 Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,m agneticgrey A7522GN Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,silverstorm

B9445GN Idealrain horizontalw al arm 400m m ,silverstorm B9444A2 Idealrainhorizontalwalarm 300m m ,brushedgold B9444A5 Idealrain horizontalwalarm 300m m ,m agneticgrey B9446A5 Idealrain ceiling arm 150m m ,m agneticgrey BC764AA Concasingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,chrom e BC765AA Concasingleleverbasin m ixer,chrom e

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BC772GN Idealrain square w al elbow ,silverstorm BC799AA Joysingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,chrom e BC800A5 Joysingleleverbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BC800AA Joysingleleverbasin m ixer,chrom e BC808A5 Idealrainroundwalelbow,m agneticgrey BC981A5 Joysingleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BC982GN Joysingleleverves elbasin m ixer,silverstorm

BD153A5 JoyNeo dualcontrolwalm ountedbasin m ixerwith cros handles,m agneticgrey BD153AA JoyNeo dualcontrolwalm ountedbasinm ixerwithcros handles,chrom e BD154A5 JoyNeo dualcontrolwalm ounted basin m ixerwith leverhandles,m agneticgrey BD154AA JoyNeo dualcontrolwalm ountedbasinm ixerwithleverhandles,chrom e BD164AA JoyNeo dualcontrol5holebathshowerm ixerwithspoutandcros handles,chrom e BD165AA JoyNeo dualcontrol5holebathshowerm ixerwithspoutandleverhandles,chrom e BD166AA JoyNeo dualcontrol4 holebathshowerm ixerwithoutspoutandcros handles,chrom e BD167AA JoyNeo dualcontrol4 holebathshowerm ixerwithoutspoutandleverhandles,chrom e BD168A5 JoyNeo dualcontrolfreestanding bath show erm ixer,cros handles& show erset,m agneticgrey BD168AA JoyNeo dualcontrolfreestandingbath showerm ixer,cros handles& showerset,chrom e BD169A5 JoyNeo dualcontrolfreestanding bath show erm ixer,leverhandles& show erset,m agneticgrey BD169AA JoyNeo dualcontrolfreestanding bath show erm ixer,leverhandles& show erset,chrom e Page5of39

BD170AA JoyNeo 180m m bathspout,chrom e BD171A5 JoyNeo dualcontrol3holebasin m ixerwith cros handles,m agneticgrey BD171AA JoyNeo dualcontrol3holebasinm ixerwithcros handles,chrom e BD172A5 JoyNeo dualcontrol3 holebasin m ixerw ith leverhandles,m agneticgrey BD172AA JoyNeo dualcontrol3holebasin m ixerwith leverhandles,chrom e BD173A5 JoyNeo singleleverm inihigh spoutbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BD173AA JoyNeo singleleverm inihigh spoutbasin m ixer,chrom e BD174A5 JoyNeo singleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BD174AA JoyNeo singleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer,chrom e BD175A5 JoyNeo singleleverves elhigh spoutbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BD175AA JoyNeo singleleverves elhigh spoutbasin m ixer,chrom e

BD355NU JoyNeo dualcontolbuilt-in basin m ixerkit1,chrom e BD435A5 JoyNeo dualcontrolbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BD435AA JoyNeo dualcontrolbasinm ixer,chrom e BE125A2 Idealrain Idealf lex1.25m Show erHose,Brushed Gold BE125A5 Idealrain Idealf lex1.25m Show erHose,M agneticGrey BE125GN Idealrain Idealf lex1.25m Show erHose,SilverStorm BE175A2 Idealrain Idealf lex1.75m Show erHose,Brushed Gold BE175A5 Idealrain Idealf lex1.75m Show erHose,M agneticGrey

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BE175GN Idealrain Idealf lex1.75m Show erHose,SilverStorm E139701 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low,w hiteglos E1397V3 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,blackm at E1397V5 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,slateGrey E1397V6 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,pom egranate E1397V7 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low,nude E1397V9 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,concrete E1397X9 Ipalys 60cm ovalves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,sage E1482A2 Clickbasin waste,sloted,brushed gold E1482A5 Clickbasin w aste,sloted,m agneticgrey E1482GN Click basin w aste,sloted,silverstorm E1483A2 Clickbasin waste,unsloted,brushed gold E1483A5 Clickbasin w aste,unsloted,m agneticgrey E1483GN Clickbasin w aste,unsloted,silverstorm E207601 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elwashbasin withoutoverf low,whiteglos

E2076V1 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,silkw hite E2076V3 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,blackm at E2076V5 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,slateGrey E2076V6 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,pom egranate Page7of39

E2076V7 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,nude E2076V9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,concrete E2076X9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ithoutoverf low including w aste,sage E207701 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low,w hiteglos E2077V1 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low ,silkw hite E2077V3 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low ,blackm at E2077V5 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low ,slateGrey E2077V6 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low,pom egranate E2077V7 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low,nude E2077V9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low ,concrete E2077X9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low ,sage E207801 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low,w hiteglos E2078V1 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,silkw hite E2078V3 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,blackm at E2078V5 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,slateGrey E2078V6 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,pom egranate

E2078V7 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low,nude E2078V9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,concrete E2078X9 Ipalys 55cm rectangularves elw ashbasin w ith overf low ,sage

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E211401 Freef low w aste,w hiteglos E2114V1 Freef low w aste,w hite silk E2114V3 Freef low w aste,blackm at E2114V4 Freef low w aste,kashm ir E2114V5 Freef low w aste,slate Grey E2114V6 Freef low w aste,pom egranate

E2114V7 Freef low w aste,nude E2114V8 Freef low w aste,m ink E2114V9 Freef low w aste,concrete E2114X8 Freef low waste,powder(blue) E2114X9 Freef low w aste,sage E2533XG Concaw ash stand 80x50,forCala& Extravanity,silkblack

E306601 Dea170 x75cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,w hite E306701 Dea180 x80cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,w hite K8720V1 Dea170 x75cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,m at w hite K8720V3 Dea170 x75cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,m at blackexternal,m at w hiteinternal K8721V1 Dea180 x80cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,m at w hite K8721V3 Dea180 x80cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low ,m at blackexternal,m at w hiteinternal K8725V1 TonicI 180 x80cm freestandingdoubleended bath with clickerwaste& integrated sloted overf low,m at white Page9 of39

K8725V3 TonicI 180 x80cm freestanding doubleended bath w ith clickerw asteand integrated sloted overf low m at blackexternal,m at w hiteinternal K8726V1 TonicI 180 x80cm freestandingdoubleendedbathwithcom binedwasteandf ilerm at white K8726V3 TonicI 180 x80cm freestandingdoubleendedbathwithcom binedwasteandf ilerm at blackexternal,m at whiteinternal

LV238A2 DeaFreestanding bath w astecover,brushed gold LV238A5 DeaFreestanding bath w astecover,m agneticgrey LV238GN DeaFreestanding bath w astecover,silverstorm LV251A2 TonicI Freestanding bath w astecover,brushed gold LV251A5 TonicI Freestanding bath w astecover,m agneticgrey LV251GN TonicI Freestanding bath w aste cover,silverstorm T368601 BlendCubewalm ountedwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet T3686V1 BlendCubewalm ountedwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet,silkwhite T369001 Conca50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low T3690V1 Conca50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk T369101 Conca60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low T3691V1 Conca60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk T369201 Conca80cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low T369301 Conca100cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low T3693V1 Conca100cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk T369401 Conca120cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low

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T3694V1 Conca120cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk T3695V1 Conca40cm handrisebasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk T372601 Extra50cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low T372901 Extra80cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low T373001 Extra100cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low T374901 BlendCurvewalm ountedwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet T3749V1 BlendCurvewalm ountedwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet,silkwhite T376001 Blend Curvetoiletseatand cover,slow close T3760V1 Blend Curvetoiletseatand cover,slow close,silkw hite T376401 BlendCubebackto walwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet T3764V1 BlendCubebackto walwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet,silkwhite T376501 Concafreestanding pedestal,round T3765V1 Concafreestanding pedestal,round T381201 Conca50cm washbasin,1tapholewithoverf low,ground T3812V1 Conca50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground,whitesilk T381801 Conca60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T3818V1 Conca60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground,whitesilk T382601 Conca80cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T3826V1 Conca80cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground,whitesilk

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T383201 Conca100cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T3832V1 Conca100cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground,whitesilk T383801 Conca120cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T3838V1 Conca120cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground,whitesilk T3876V1 Conca40cm handrisebasin,onetapholewithoverf low ground,whitesilk T389401 Extra70cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T389901 Extra80cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T390501 Extra100cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low,ground T392001 Extra45cm guestwashbasin,onetapholewith overf low,ground,lefthand T392501 BlendCurvebackto walwcbowlwithhorizontaloutlet T3925V1 Blend Curvebackto walwcbowlwith horizontaloutlet,silkwhite T392701 Blend Cubetoiletseatand cover,slow close T3927V1 Blend Cubetoiletseatand cover,slow close,silkw hite T3955Y1 Conca36cm talcolum nunitwith1door,m at white T3955Y2 Conca36cm talcolum n unitwith 1door,m at anthracite T3955Y4 Conca36cm talcolum nunitwith1door,sm okedoak T3955Y5 Conca36cm talcolum nunitwith1door,darkwalnut T3955Y6 Conca36cm talcolum nunitwith1door,lightoak T4311Y1 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,m at white


T4311Y2 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,m at anthracite T4311Y4 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,sm okedoak T4311Y5 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,darkwalnut T4312Y1 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,m at white T4312Y2 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,m at anthracite T4312Y4 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,sm okedoak T4312Y5 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,darkwalnut

T4317Y1 Conca60cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,m at white T4317Y2 Conca60cm w al hung shortprojection w ashbasin unitw ith 1externaldraw er& 1internaldraw er,no cutout,m at anthracite T4317Y4 Conca60cm walhungshortprojection washbasin unitwith 1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,sm okedoak T4317Y6 Conca60cm walhungshortprojection washbasin unitwith 1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,lightoak T4318Y1 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,m at white T4318Y2 Conca80cm w al hung shortprojection w ashbasin unitw ith 1externaldraw er& 1internaldraw er,no cutout,m at anthracite T4318Y4 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,sm okedoak T4318Y5 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,darkwalnut T4318Y6 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith1externaldrawer& 1internaldrawer,no cutout,lightoak T4321Y1 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4321Y2 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4321Y4 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak


T4321Y5 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4321Y6 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4322Y1 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4322Y2 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4322Y6 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4323Y1 Conca100cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4323Y2 Conca100cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4323Y4 Conca100cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4323Y5 Conca100cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4323Y6 Conca100cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4324Y1 Conca120cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4324Y2 Conca120cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4324Y4 Conca120cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4324Y5 Conca120cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4324Y6 Conca120cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4327Y1 Conca60cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4327Y2 Conca60cm walhungshortprojection washbasin unitwith 2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4327Y4 Conca60cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4327Y5 Conca60cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut Page14 of39

T4327Y6 Conca60cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4328Y1 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4328Y2 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4328Y4 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4328Y5 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4328Y6 Conca80cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4329Y1 Conca100cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4329Y2 Conca100cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4329Y4 Conca100cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4329Y5 Conca100cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4329Y6 Conca100cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak T4330Y1 Conca120cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at white T4330Y2 Conca120cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,m at anthracite T4330Y4 Conca120cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4330Y5 Conca120cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut T4330Y6 Conca120cm walhungshortprojectionwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,lightoak

T435801 Extra60cm Vanitybasin,onetaphole T436201 Extra80cm Vanitybasin,onetaphole T436601 Extra100cm Vanitybasin,onetaphole


T437001 Extra120cm Vanitybasin,onetaphole T439901 LindaX 45cm ves elwashbasin ovalwith overf low T440101 LindaX 55cm ves elwashbasin ovalwith overf low T4441A2 Contem prarybotletrap,brushedgold T4441A5 Contem prarybotletrap,m agneticgrey T4441GN Contem prarybotletrap,silverstorm T4496A2 ConcaToiletrolholder,square,brushedgold T4496A5 ConcaToiletrolholder,square,m agneticgrey T4496AA ConcaToiletrolholder,square,chrom e T4496GN ConcaToiletrol holder,square,silverstorm T4497A2 ConcaToiletrolholder,round,brushedgold T4497AA ConcaToiletrolholder,round,chrom e T4497GN ConcaToiletrolholder,round,silverstorm T4502A2 ConcaTowelring,square,brushed gold T4502A5 ConcaTowelring,square,m agneticgrey T4502AA ConcaTowelring,square,chrom e T4502GN ConcaTow elring,square,silverstorm T4503A2 ConcaTowelring,round,brushedgold T4503A5 ConcaTowelring,round,m agneticgrey

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T4503AA ConcaTowelring,round,chrom e T4503GN ConcaTowelring,round,silverstorm T4504A2 ConcaTum bler,square,brushedgold T4504A5 ConcaTum bler,square,m agneticgrey T4504AA ConcaTum bler,square,chrom e T4504GN ConcaTum bler,square,silverstorm T4505A2 ConcaTum bler,round,brushedgold T4505A5 ConcaTum bler,round,m agneticgrey T4505AA ConcaTum bler,round,chrom e T4505GN ConcaTum bler,round,silverstorm T4506A2 ConcaRobehook,square,brushedgold T4506A5 ConcaRobehook,square,m agneticgrey T4506AA ConcaRobehook,square,chrom e T4506GN ConcaRobehook,square,silverstorm T4507A2 ConcaRobehook,round,brushedgold T4507A5 ConcaRobehook,round,m agneticgrey T4507AA ConcaRobehook,round,chrom e T4507GN ConcaRobehook,round,silverstorm T4508A2 ConcaSoapdish,square,brushedgold


T4503AA ConcaTowelring,round,chrom e T4503GN ConcaTowelring,round,silverstorm T4504A2 ConcaTum bler,square,brushedgold T4504A5 ConcaTum bler,square,m agneticgrey T4504AA ConcaTum bler,square,chrom e T4504GN ConcaTum bler,square,silverstorm T4505A2 ConcaTum bler,round,brushedgold T4505A5 ConcaTum bler,round,m agneticgrey T4505AA ConcaTum bler,round,chrom e T4505GN ConcaTum bler,round,silverstorm T4506A2 ConcaRobehook,square,brushedgold T4506A5 ConcaRobehook,square,m agneticgrey T4506AA ConcaRobehook,square,chrom e T4506GN ConcaRobehook,square,silverstorm T4507A2 ConcaRobehook,round,brushedgold T4507A5 ConcaRobehook,round,m agneticgrey T4507AA ConcaRobehook,round,chrom e T4507GN ConcaRobehook,round,silverstorm T4508A2 ConcaSoapdish,square,brushedgold

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T4509A2 ConcaSoapdish,round,brushedgold T475301 LindaX 50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low T4753V1 LindaX 50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,silkwhite T475501 LindaX 60cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low T4755V1 LindaX 60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,silkwhite T498101 LindaX 50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low ground T4981V1 LindaX 50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low ground,silkwhite T498301 LindaX 60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low ground T4983V1 LindaX 60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low ground,silkwhite T994001

Dea180 x80cm freestanding w al doubleended bath ,clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low standard w hite

T9940V1 T9940V3

Dea180 x80cm freestandingwaldoubleended bath,clickerwaste& integrated sloted overf low m at white

Dea180 x80cm freestanding w al doubleended bath,clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low m at blackexternal,m at w hiteinternal T994101 Dea180 x80cm freestandingwaldoubleendedbathwithcom binedwasteandf ilerstandardwhite

B9444GN Idealrain horizontalw al arm 300m m ,silverstorm B9445A2 Idealrainhorizontalwalarm 400m m ,brushedgold B9445A5 Idealrain horizontalwalarm 400m m ,m agneticgrey B9446A2 Idealrain ceilingarm 150m m ,brushed gold B9446GN Idealrain ceiling arm 150m m ,silverstorm BC764A2 Concasingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,brushed gold

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BC764A5 Concasingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,m agneticgrey BC765A2 Concasingleleverbasin m ixer,brushedgold BC765A5 Concasingleleverbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BC767AA Concasinglelever2holebath f iler,chrom e BC768AA Concasinglelever2holebathshowerm ixerwithshowerset,chrom e BC769AA Conca160m m walspout,chrom e BC770A2 Idealrain squareshow erhandsetbracket,brushed gold BC770A5 Idealrain squareshow erhandsetbracket,m agneticgrey BC770GN Idealrain square show erhandsetbracket,silverstorm BC771A2 Idealrain squareshow erhandsetelbow bracket,brushed gold BC771A5 Idealrain squareshow erhandsetelbow bracket,m agneticgrey BC771GN Idealrain squareshow erhandsetelbow bracket,silverstorm

BC772A2 Idealrain squarewalelbow,brushed gold BC772A5 Idealrain squarew al elbow ,m agneticgrey

BC774A2 Idealrain single function stick handspray,brushed gold BC774A5 Idealrain single function stick handspray,m agneticgrey BC774GN Idealrain single function stick handspray,silverstorm

BC788AA Joysinglelever3holebathshowerm ixerwithdiverterandshowerset,chrom e BC789A5 Joysinglelever4 holebathshowerm ixerwithspoutandshowerset,m agneticgrey

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BC789GN Joysinglelever4 holebath showerm ixerwith spoutand showerset,silverstorm BC793A2 Concasingleleverves elbasin m ixer,brushed gold BC793A5 Concasingleleverves elbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey

BC793AA Concasingleleverves elbasin m ixer,chrom e BC793GN Concasingleleverves elbasin m ixer,silverstorm BC799A2 Joysingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,brushed gold BC799A5 Joysingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,m agneticgrey BC799GN Joysingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,silverstorm

BC800A2 Joysingleleverbasin m ixer,brushedgold BC800GN Joysingleleverbasin m ixer,silverstorm

BC801A2 Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,brushed gold BC801A5 Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,m agneticgrey BC801AA Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,chrom e BC801GN Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,silverstorm

BC802A2 Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixer,brushedgold BC802A5 Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixer,m agneticgrey

BC802AA Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixer,chrom e BC802GN Joysingleleverm inibasin m ixer,silverstorm BC804AA Joydualcontrol2holebathshowerm ixerwithshowerset,chrom e


BC805AA Joy160m m walspout,chrom e BC806A2 Idealrainroundshowerhandsetbracket,brushedgold BC806A5 Idealrain roundshowerhandsetbracket,m agneticgrey BC806GN Idealrain round show erhandsetbracket,silverstorm BC807A2 Idealrainroundshowerhandsetelbow bracket,brushedgold BC807A5 Idealrain round showerhandsetelbow bracket,m agneticgrey BC807GN Idealrain round show erhandsetelbow bracket,silverstorm BC981A2 Joysingleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer,brushed gold BC981AA Joysingleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer,chrom e BC982A2 Joysingleleverves elbasin m ixer,brushed gold BC982A5 Joysingleleverves elbasin m ixer,m agneticgrey BC982AA Joysingleleverves elbasin m ixer,chrom e T4317Y5 BC808A2 Idealrainroundwalelbow,brushedgold BC808GN Idealrainroundwalelbow,silverstorm

Conca60cm w al hung shortprojection w ashbasin unit,1externaldraw er& 1internaldraw er,no cutout,darkw alnut

T4322Y5 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,darkwalnut BC764GN Concasingleleverbasin m ixerw ith clickw aste,silverstorm T3692V1 Conca80cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,whitesilk A5814GN Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixervalve,silverstorm


BC803AA Joydualcontrol2holebath f iler,chrom e E2531XG Concaw ash stand 60x50,forCala& Extravanity,silkblack T372701 Extra60cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low T373201 Extra45cm handrisebasin,onetapholewith overf low T388401 Extra50cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T388901 Extra60cm washbasin,onetapholewithoverf low,ground T4311Y6 Conca60cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,lightoak T4497A5 ConcaToiletrolholder,round,m agneticgrey T373301 Extra45cm guestw ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low,lefthand T373401 Extra45cm guestwashbasin,onetapholewith overf low,righthand T4322Y4 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,no cutout,sm okedoak T4312Y6 Conca80cm walhungwashbasinunitwith1drawer,no cutout,lightoak E074201 ConnectAirCube60cm pedestalorfurniturebasin-onetaphole E240301 ConnectAirCube55cm pedestalorfurniturebasin-onetaphole E027301 ConnectAir124cm DoubleVanitybasin-onetaphole E027401 ConnectAir104cm Vanitybasin-onetaphole E027901 ConnectAir84cm Vanitybasin-onetaphole E028901 ConnectAir64cm Vanitybasin-onetaphole E009701 ConnectAirclosecoupledbowlwithAquabladetechnology-horizontaloutlet


E013701 ConnectAirclosecoupledbowl/back-to walwithAquabladetechnology-horizontaloutlet E191801 ConnectAirclosecoupled cistern with dualf lush valve-6/4 litre E191901 ConnectAirArcclosecoupled cistern with dualf lush valve-6/4 litre E191401 ConnectAirback-to walbowlwithAquabladetechnology-horizontaloutlet E240401 ConnectAirwalhungbowlwithAquabladetechnology

E0307V3 ConnectAirCube40cm handrinsebasin,1tapholewithoverf low,silkblack E0298V3 ConnectAirCube60cm washbasin,1tapholewithoverf low,silkblack

E0279V3 ConnectAir84cm vanitywashbasin,1taphole,silkblack E0289V3 ConnectAir64cm vanitywashbasin,1taphole,silkblack

E0054V3 ConnectAirwalhungtoiletbowlwithAquabladetechnology,silkblack E0368V3 ConnectAirtoiletseatand cover,slim w ith quickrelease,slow close,silkblack

E081101 ConnectAirslim sandw ich styleseat& cover-slow close E081401 ConnectAirslim wrap styleseat& cover-slow close

E238701 StradaI 60cm w ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low and integralclickerw aste E238901 StradaI 100cm w ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low and integralclickerw aste E239101 StradaI 45cm handrisebasin,onetapholewith overf low righthand and integralclickerwaste E239201 StradaI 45cm handrisebasin,onetapholewith overf low lefthand and integralclickerwaste T299701 StradaI walm ountedwcpanwithhorizontaloutletandaquabladetechnology E237101 StradaI backto walwcpan with horizontaloutletand aquabladetechnology

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T360101 StradaI toiletseatand cover,slow close T385701 StradaI slim toiletseatand cover,slow close T3629AA StradaI luxurybasin clickerwaste– sloted T854601 StradaI ceram icw astecover T350801 Tesi100cm vanitybasin -onetaphole T350901 Tesi80cm vanitybasin -onetaphole T351001 Tesi60cm vanitybasin -onetaphole T351101 Tesi50cm vanitybasin -shortprojection -onetaphole T004301 Tesi50cm vanitybasin-onetaphole T3509V1 Tesi80cm vanitybasin -onetaphole,silkwhite T3510V1 Tesi60cm vanitybasin -onetaphole,silkw hite T0077V1 Tesiback-to walW C bowlwith Aquabladetechnology,silkwhite T0079V1 TesiwalhungW C bowlwithAquabladetechnology,silkwhite

T3527V1 Tesislim seat& cover-slow close,silkw hite T3509V3 Tesi80cm vanitybasin -onetaphole,silkblack T3510V3 Tesi60cm vanitybasin -onetaphole,silkblack

T0079V3 TesiwalhungW C bowlwithAquabladetechnology,silkblack T0077V3 Tesiback-to w al W C bow lw ith Aquabladetechnology,silkblack T3527V3 Tesislim seat& cover-slow close,silkblack


E0817KN ConnectAir500m m W alHungVanityUnit1drawerGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0817PS ConnectAir500m m W alHungVanityUnit1drawerW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0818B2 ConnectAir600m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at W hite E0818EQ ConnectAir600m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0818KN ConnectAir600m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0818PS ConnectAir600m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0819B2 ConnectAir800m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at W hite E0819EQ ConnectAir800m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0819KN ConnectAir800m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0819PS ConnectAir800m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0821B2 ConnectAir1000m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at W hite E0821EQ ConnectAir1000m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0821KN ConnectAir1000m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawersGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0822B2 ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit4 drawersGlos W hite+ M at W hite E0822EQ ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit4 drawersGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0822KN ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit4 drawersGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0822PS ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit4 drawersW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0829EQ ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawerswithopenshelfGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0829KN ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawerswithopenshelfGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey Page26 of39

E0829PS ConnectAir1200m m W alHungVanityUnit2drawerswithopenshelfW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0832B2 ConnectAir400m m TalColum nUnit1doorGlos W hite+ M at W hiteGlos W hite+ M at W hite

E0832KN ConnectAir400m m TalColum nUnit1doorGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0832PS ConnectAir400m m TalColum nUnit1doorW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite E0836EQ ConnectAir600m m FSVanityunitwith2drawersGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite E0836KN ConnectAir600m m FSVanityunitwith2drawersGlos W hite+ M at LightGrey E0836PS ConnectAir600m m FSVanityunitwith2drawersW oodLightGrey+ M at W hite R0472NE ConnectAir60cm walhungcubebasinunitwith1drawer,silkblack+ wood R0473NE ConnectAir60cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawer,silkblack+ wood R0474NE ConnectAir80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,silkblack+ wood T4299W G StradaI 500m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,glos white T4299Y2 StradaI 500m m walhungwashbasin unitwith 2drawers,m at anthracite T4300W G StradaI 600m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,glos white T4300Y2 StradaI 600m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,m at anthracite T4301W G StradaI 800m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,glos white T4301Y2 StradaI 800m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,m at anthracite T4302W G StradaI 1000m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,glos white T4302Y2 StradaI 1000m m walhungwashbasinunitwith2drawers,m at anthracite T4304W G StradaI 450m m guestwashbasinunitwith1door,glos white


T4304Y2 StradaI 450m m guestwashbasinunitwith1door,m at anthracite T4305W G StradaI 350m m talcolum nunitwith1door,glos white T4305Y2 StradaI 350m m talcolum nunitwith1door,m at anthracite

T0050ZT TesiBasin Unit60cm 2 Draw er,silkblack T0051ZT TesiBasin Unit80cm 2 Draw er,silkblack A9115XG IOM singlerobehook,silkblackf inish A9117XG IO M 45cm tow elrail,silk black f inish A9105XG IO M show erbasket,silkblackf inish

A9120XG IOM tum blerand holder,silkblackfrosted glas A9122XG IO M soap dish and holder,silkblackfrosted glas A9124XG IOM 600m m shelf,silkblackfrosted glas A9119XG IOM walm ountedtoiletbrush andholder,silkblackf inish

A9246XG IOM toiletrolholder,robehook& toiletbrushbundle,silkblackf inish A9245XG IOM tooth brush holder,soapdish & toiletbrush bundle,silkblackf inish T465701 Adapto 170 x80cm freestanding bath w ith clickerw asteand sloted overf low T465801 Adapto 155x80cm freestandingbath with clickerwasteand sloted overf low T465901 Adapto 155x75cm O valfreestanding bath w ith clickerw asteand sloted overf low T466001 Adapto 180 x80cm D-Shapedoubleendedbathwithclickerwasteandslotedoverf low,no tapholes T466101 Adapto 178x78cm asym m etricdoubleendedbathwithclickerwasteandslotedoverf low,no tapholes-lefthand Page28 of39


Adapto 178x78cm asym m etricdoubleendedbathwithclickerwasteandslotedoverf low,no tapholes-righthand

E050401 Concept170cm SquareShowerBathFrontpanel E050601 Concept150cm SquareShowerBathFrontpanel E0508EO ConceptSquareShowerBath Screen,ClearGlas ,BrightSilver E108201 ConnectAir170cm ShowerBathPanel E154101 ConnectAir170 Asym m etricbath panel E1137EO ConnectAirShowerBath Screen with Acces Panel E155101 ConnectAir150cm ShowerBathPanel BC694AA Ceraf ineD DualControlBathFiler BC695AA Ceraf ineD DualControlBathShowerM ixer withshowerset BC720AA Ceraf ineD SingleLeverBasin M ixer BC724AA Ceraf ineO SingleLeverBasin M ixer BC708AA Ceraf ineO DualControlBathShowerM ixer withshowerset BC722XG Ceraf ineO singleleverm inibasin m ixer -SilkBlack BC724XG Ceraf ineO singleleverbasin m ixer-SilkBlack BD133XG Ceraf ineO singleleverwalm ounted basin m ixer-SilkBlack

BC707XG Ceraf ineO dualcontrolbath f iler-SilkBlack BC185XG Ceralinesingleleverm inibasin m ixer-SilkBlack BD136XG Ceralinesingleleverbasin m ixer-SilkBlack

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A6938XG Ceralinesingleleverwalm ounted basin m ixer-SilkBlack BD365XG Ceralinesingleleverves elbasin m ixer-SilkBlack BC189XG Ceralinetwo tapholedualcontrolbathshowerm ixer-SilkBlack A7575AA Edgem inisingleleverbasin m ixer A7577AA Edgeves elsingleleverbasin m ixer A7578AA Edgehigh spoutsingleleverbasin m ixer A7116AA Edgewalm ounted singleleverbasin m ixer A7579AA Edge1holesingleleverbath f iler A7580AA Edge1holesingleleverbathshowerm ixerwithshowerset A7581AA Edgesingleleverwalm ountedbathshowerm ixer A6327AA TonicI singleleverBasin m ixer A6334AA TonicI singleleverbuilt-in basin m ixer,180m m spout A6348AA TonicIsinglelever3holebathshowerm ixerwithspout A6349AA TonicI singlelever3holebath showerm ixerwith diverter A6353AA TonicI dualcontrolbath f iler A6347AA TonicI singleleverfreestanding bath showerm ixer A6347XG TonicI singleleverfreestanding bath showerm ixer A6329AA TonicI singleleverves elbasin m ixer A6333AA TonicI singleleverhigh spoutbasin m ixer

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E1482XG Luxuryclickerbasin w aste,sloted,silkblack E1483XG Luxuryclickerbasin w aste,unsloted,silkblack J3291XG Luxuryfreef low basin w aste,unsloted,SilkBlack E0079AA Contem porary32x75m m sealbotletrap A7543AA Ceratherm C100 exposed therm ostaticshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 300m m squarerainshow er, rectangularriserpipe,squarestickhandsprayand 1.75m m Idealf lexhose A7329AA Ceratherm S200 exposed therm ostaticshelfshow erm ixervalve A7330AA Ceratherm S200 exposed therm ostaticwalm ounted shelfbath showerm ixer A7331AA Ceratherm S200 exposed therm ostaticshelfshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 250m m round rainshow er,3 function Idealrain Evo Jetround handsprayand 1.75m Ideaf lexhose A7332AA Ceratherm S200 exposed therm ostaticshelfshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 300x200m m rectangularrainshow er,rectangularriserpipe,Idealrain stick handsprayand 1.5m Ideaf lexhose A7215AA Ceratherm T50 W rap OverShow erShelf A7216AA Ceratherm T50 exposed therm ostaticshow erm ixervalve A7221AA Ceratherm T50 exposed therm ostaticshow erm ixerpackw ith idealrain evo round 3 function ø110m m handspray,600m m railand 1.75m idealf lexhose A7224AA Ceratherm T50 exposed therm ostaticbath show erm ixer A7227AA Ceratherm T50 exposed therm ostaticshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 200m m round rainshow er, Idealrain Evo round 3 function 110m m handsprayand 1.75m Ideaf lexhose Page31of39

A7697AA Ceratherm T50 exposed therm ostaticwalm ounted bath showerm ixer A7231AA Ceratherm T100 exposed therm ostaticshow erm ixervalve A7242AA Ceratherm T100 exposed therm ostaticshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 200m m squarerainshow er, Idealrain Evo diam ond 3 function handsprayand 1.75m Ideaf lexhose A7699AA Ceratherm T100 exposed therm ostaticrim m ounted bath show erm ixerw ith idealrain evo jet diam ond 3function 125m m handspray,600m m railand 1.75m idealf lexhose A5813AA Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixer A5814AA Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixer A7522AA Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixer A6956AA Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixer A7592AA Ceratherm T125 exposed therm ostaticshow erm ixervalve A7593AA Ceratherm T125exposed therm ostaticdeckm ounted bath show erm ixer A7594AA Ceratherm T125 exposed therm ostaticshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 300m m round rainshow er on sw iveling arm ,Idealrain stick handsprayand 1.75m Idealfexhose A7588AA Ceratherm T125exposed therm ostaticwalm ounted bath showerm ixer A7571XG Ceratherm T25 exposed therm ostaticshow ersystem w ith Idealrain 200m m round rainshow er, IdealrainM 33functionø100m m handsprayand1.75m Ideaf lexhose A7569XG Ceratherm T25 exposed therm ostaticshow erm ixerpackw ith idealrain s3 3 function ø80 handspray,600m m railand 1.25m hose-SilkBlack Page32of39

A5813XG Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixer-SilkBlack A5814XG Ceratherm T100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixer-SilkBlack A6956XG Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic1outletshow erm ixer-SilkBlack A7522XG Ceratherm C100 built-in therm ostatic2 outletshow erm ixer-SilkBlack A7295AA Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletround show erm ixer,chrom e A7296AA Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletround show erm ixer,chrom e A7301AA Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic1outletsquareshow erm ixer,chrom e A7302AA Ceratherm Navigo built-in therm ostatic2 outletsquareshow erm ixer,chrom e

A1000NU Easyboxbuilt-inkit1 A5948NU Basinm ixerbuiltinkit

A6133NU Freestanding bath showerm ixerkit1 BC808XG Idealrainroundwalelbow -SilkBlack BC806XG Idealrainroundshowerhandsetbracket-SilkBlack BC807XG Idealrainroundshowerhandsetelbow bracket-SilkBlack BD140XG Idealrainø200m m roundrainshower-SilkBlack A5803XG Idealrainround300m m f ixedrainshowerhead-SilkBlack B9446XG Idealrain L1ceiling arm 150m m -SilkBlack B9445XG Idealrainwalarm 400m m -SilkBlack B9402XG Idealrain M 1singlefunction 100m m handspray-SilkBlack


BC774XG Idealrain single function stickhandspray-SilkBlack BD142XG BE125XG Idealrain Idealf lex1.25m Show erHose,SilkBlack BE175XG Idealrain Idealf lex1.75m Show erHose,SilkBlack

Idealrain m 1showerkitwith singlefunction ø100m m showerhandspray,600m m railand 1.75m hose-SilkBlack

B1761AA Idealrain Evo JetRound 125m m handspray& 600m m railw ith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B1763AA Idealrain Evo JetRound 125m m handspray& 900m m railwith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B1764AA Idealrain Evo JetDiam ond 125m m handspray& 900m m railw ith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B2233AA Idealrain Evo Round 110m m handspray& 600m m railwith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B2234AA Idealrain Evo Diam ond 110m m handspray& 600m m railwith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B2237AA Idealrain Evo Round 110m m handspray& 900m m railwith 1750m m IdealFlexhose B2238AA Idealrain Evo Diam ond 110m m handspray& 900m m railwith 1750m m IdealFlexhose

K8219FS UltraFlatS 1000 x800 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray K8227FR UltraFlatS 1200 x800 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray K8227FT UltraFlatS 1200 x800 x30m m SandShowerTray K8227FV UltraFlatS 1200 x800 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray K8230FR UltraFlatS 1200 x900 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray K8230FS UltraFlatS 1200 x900 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray K8230FV UltraFlatS 1200 x900 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray K8237FS UltraFlatS 1400 x800 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray

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K8237FT UltraFlatS 1400 x800 x30m m SandShowerTray K8237FV UltraFlatS 1400 x800 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray K8256FR UltraFlatS 1400 x900 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray K8256FS UltraFlatS 1400 x900 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray K8256FT UltraFlatS 1400 x900 x30m m SandShowerTray K8281FR UltraFlatS 1700 x700 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray K8281FS UltraFlatS 1700 x700 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray K8281FT UltraFlatS 1700 x700 x30m m SandShowerTray K8281FV UltraFlatS 1700 x700 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray K8284FR UltraFlatS 1700 x800 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray K8284FS UltraFlatS 1700 x800 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray K8284FT UltraFlatS 1700 x800 x30m m SandShowerTray K8284FV UltraFlatS 1700 x800 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray

KV169FR UltraFlatSColouredCoverW aste(W hite) KV169FT UltraFlatSColouredCoverW aste(Sand) KV169FV UltraFlatSColoured CoverW aste(Black) T356401 TesiclosecoupledW C bowlwith Aquabladetechnology- horizontaloutlet T355701 Tesiclosecoupled/Backto walW C bowlwithAquabladetechnology-horizontaloutlet T357001 Tesiclosecoupled cistern w ith dualf lush valve-6/4 litre Page35of39

T353501 Tesiback-to walW C bowlwith Aquabladetechnology T354501 TesiwalhungW C bowlwithAquabladetechnology

T352701 Tesislim seat& cover-slow close T3342BH 80cm M irorwith lightand anti-steam A7239AA Ceratherm T100 exposed therm ostaticbath show erm ixer BC722AA Ceraf ineO SingleLeverM iniBasin M ixer K8227FS UltraFlatS 1200 x800 x30m m ConcreteGreyShowerTray KV169FS UltraFlatSColouredCoverW aste(Grey) K8237FR UltraFlatS 1400 x800 x30m m PureW hiteShowerTray E238601 StradaI 50cm w ashbasin,onetapholew ith overf low and integralclickerw aste A9130XG IOM towelring,silkblackf inish A9132XG IOM sparetoiletrolholderwithoutcover,silkblackf inish K8230FT UltraFlatS 1200 x900 x30m m SandShowerTray K8256FV UltraFlatS 1400 x900 x30m m JetBlackShowerTray BF125AA Idealrain M etalf lex1.25m Show erHose E238801 StradaI 80cm washbasin,onetapholewith overf low and integralclickerwaste T546401

Dea150 x75cm freestanding doubleended bath,clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low standard w hite


Dea150 x75cm freestanding w al doubleended bath,clickerw aste& integrated sloted overf low standard w hite

E074801 ConnectAirsem i-pedestal

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E0817B2 ConnectAir500m m W alHungVanityUnit1drawerGlos W hite+ M at W hite E029601 ConnectAir54cm shortprojectionm inivanitybasin-onetaphole E0832EQ ConnectAir400m m TalColum nUnit1doorGlos LightGrey+ M at W hite R0459A2 OleasM 3m echanicaldualf lushplate,IdealStandard-BrushedGoldPVD R0459A5 O leasM 3 m echanicaldualf lushplate,IdealStandard -M agneticGreyPVD R0459GN O leasM 3 m echanicaldualf lushplate,IdealStandard -SilverStorm PVD

T436001 Extra60cm Vanitybasin,threetapholes T436401 Extra80cm Vanitybasin,threetapholes T436801 Extra100cm Vanitybasin,threetapholes T437201 Extra120cm Vanitybasin,threetapholes

T4573Y1 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,m at white T4573Y2 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith 2drawers,m at anthracite T4573Y4 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,sm okedoak T4573Y5 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,darkwalnut T4573Y6 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,lightoak T4577Y1 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,m at white T4577Y2 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith 1drawer,m at anthracite T4577Y4 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,sm okedoak T4577Y5 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,darkwalnut


T4577Y6 Conca60cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,lightoak T4574Y1 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,m at white T4574Y2 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,m at anthracite T4574Y4 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,sm okedoak T4574Y5 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,darkwalnut T4574Y6 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,lightoak T4578Y1 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,m at white T4578Y2 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,m at anthracite T4578Y4 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,sm okedoak T4578Y5 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,darkwalnut T4578Y6 Conca80cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,lightoak T4575Y1 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,m at white T4575Y2 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith 2drawers,m at anthracite T4575Y4 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,sm okedoak T4575Y5 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,darkwalnut T4575Y6 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith2drawers,lightoak T4579Y1 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,m at white T4579Y2 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,m at anthracite T4579Y4 Conca100cm walhungvanityunitwith1drawer,sm okedoak

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Conca 100cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, dark walnut


Conca 100cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, light oak

Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 2 drawers, matt white



Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 2 drawers, matt anthracite

Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 2 drawers, smoked oak



Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 2 drawers, dark walnut


Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 2 drawers, light oak


Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, matt white

T4580Y2 Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, matt anthracite T4580Y4 Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, smoked oak T4580YS Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, dark walnut T4580Y6 Conca 120cm wall hung vanity unit with 1 drawer, light oak T5528AA Shower Waste 90mm with Chrome Cover E7407AA Concept shower bath curved screen - clear glass T373501 Extra 50cm semi-countertop washbasin, one taphole with overflow T3960BH Conca 120cm mirror ambient light

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