Ideal Standard Reservation List

T4304Y2 StradaI 450m m guestwashbasinunitwith1door,m at anthracite T4305W G StradaI 350m m talcolum nunitwith1door,glos white T4305Y2 StradaI 350m m talcolum nunitwith1door,m at anthracite

T0050ZT TesiBasin Unit60cm 2 Draw er,silkblack T0051ZT TesiBasin Unit80cm 2 Draw er,silkblack A9115XG IOM singlerobehook,silkblackf inish A9117XG IO M 45cm tow elrail,silk black f inish A9105XG IO M show erbasket,silkblackf inish

A9120XG IOM tum blerand holder,silkblackfrosted glas A9122XG IO M soap dish and holder,silkblackfrosted glas A9124XG IOM 600m m shelf,silkblackfrosted glas A9119XG IOM walm ountedtoiletbrush andholder,silkblackf inish

A9246XG IOM toiletrolholder,robehook& toiletbrushbundle,silkblackf inish A9245XG IOM tooth brush holder,soapdish & toiletbrush bundle,silkblackf inish T465701 Adapto 170 x80cm freestanding bath w ith clickerw asteand sloted overf low T465801 Adapto 155x80cm freestandingbath with clickerwasteand sloted overf low T465901 Adapto 155x75cm O valfreestanding bath w ith clickerw asteand sloted overf low T466001 Adapto 180 x80cm D-Shapedoubleendedbathwithclickerwasteandslotedoverf low,no tapholes T466101 Adapto 178x78cm asym m etricdoubleendedbathwithclickerwasteandslotedoverf low,no tapholes-lefthand Page28 of39

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