Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 2 Rachel Parot Armitage PlantOperationsOf f i ce T:07770 430907 E:rparot@

Iw anted to becom e aM entalHealth AngelasIbelieve thatit’s im portantthatwelookafterourm entalhealth aswelasour physicalhealth.Anybodycan struggle atdif ferentpartsoftheir life,due to m anydif ferenttriggers,buthaving som eone available to talkto,can m akealthedif ferenceand show thatyou don’t haveto beonyourown. Itcan som etim esbe easierto speakto astrangerthan som eone close,butwearebuilding agreatnetworkofsupportforal ourcoleaguesand friends.

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