Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Dave Vernon Armitage Engineer
I'm aTankcelengineerand havebeen hereworking at Arm itage forover36+ years. Idid m ym entalf irstaid coursein 2021justastheworld was shaking of f covid,Isaw thatM entalhealth w asakeytopic at thattim e and asw e are quite socialable creatures,and asw e had to putnearlyalourfreedom and socialactivitieson hold,Ifound alotofis uesstarted to af fectfriends,so that's whyIapplied forthetraining,and glad Idid. It'snicenow to know how to help,it'ssom ethingthatweal can do,and itcan aljustbe started w ith "How are you m ate"?
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