Solutions for Hotels

RimLS+ ®

With every flush, RimLS+  delivers a powerful whole-bowl clean with no place for bacteria to hide. Splash-free and easier to clean, RimLS+  is the go-to solution for busy bathrooms. “9 out of 10 households would buy an Ideal Standard Rimless + toilet thanks to its hygiene performance.”*

ProSys ®

Engineered for hygiene.

Engineered for your peace of mind.

The ProSys ® installation system provides complete pre-wall solutions for all washroom fixtures: toilets, bidets and basins. With different products for solid and dry wall applications, ProSys ® is ideal for a wide variety of projects. The versatile range combines seamlessly with Ideal Standard’s range of ceramics and fittings to ensure optimal performance. With end to-end quality control and exceeding testing standards, the ProSys ® system provides complete peace of mind.



*Sample of 1.000 representative households with home property [Germany n=500; Italy n=500] – showing the inner design and technical parameters of toilets.

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