Solutions for Hotels

Sector book series

Ideal Standard is Singular™ The choice is yours.

Singular ™ from Ideal Standard

Singular ™ from Ideal Standard

Solutions for homes

Solutions for offices & public spaces

Singular aims to offer a vast array of solutions from the Ideal Standard catalogue, so you can create your own. From the home to hospitals, we offer bathrooms and washrooms that meet every possible need.

Singular is more than just an idea. To illustrate Singular, we have developed a series of books where creative inspiration and practical solutions come to life to offer endless possibilities and to present project ideas that work in the real world. From taps to bathroom suites, from design to installation, Singular offers infinite solutions to architects, hotel managers and individuals thanks to Ideal Standard’s unrivalled expertise. Our sector books present well-defined solutions with information on styles, dimensions, colour palettes, technical performance and specific details for each sector. Each one is a guide you can rely on. Welcome to our Hotels book.

Singular ™ from Ideal Standard

Singular ™ from Ideal Standard

Singular ™ from Ideal Standard

Solutions for hotels

Solutions for education

Solutions for healthcare



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