Product catalogue 2022


This special delayed inlet valve saves approximately 0.5 litres of water per flush by only allowing water into the toilet tank after the outlet valve is closed. Not only does it promote water conservation it is also quiet and has been certified by NF as acoustic Class 1.


This technology removes the need for electricity supply or batteries to power a no-touch control plate by harnessing the power of flowing water to generate energy.


Striving to achieve the most thin and precise designs in ceramics, we developed a new revolutionary new material - Diamatec ™ . A special blend of alumina and chamotte, Diamatec ™ allows us to shape ceramics to a 3.5mm rim, and still withstand the maximum impact energy any test machine can deliver. Stronger Diamatec ™ technology means every washbasin can withstand the maximum impact energy a test machine can deliver. Functional Thanks to Diamatec ™ , our washbasins stands up to the most demanding conditions, while being only 3.5mm at its thinnest point. Lighter Diamatec ™ allows us to combine an ultra light design aesthetic with hardwearing durability for demanding environments.


Product Catalogue 2022

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