Mental Health Angels
First team of Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
IdealStandard are excited to launch itsf irstteam ofM entalHealth Angels.Selected individuals have undertaken training to enable them to help and supportpeoplewho arestruggling with their m entalhealth. The aim isto give everyone acces to som eone theycan talkto in conf idenceand begin to break the stigm aatached to m entalhealth. Please reach outto one ofthe team ifyou are ever struggling;there isalw ayssom eone to listen. Each ofthe M entalHealth Angelshave created an individualprof ileon them selvesteling you about who theyare,wheretheyarebased and whythey applied to becom e aM entalHealth Angel.
Anything disclosed to ourteam ofAngelsis conf identialunles there isasafeguarding risk.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Andrew Cororan Armitage M odelingDepartm ent
Iused to betheguywho thought‘m an up’and don'tburden others with yourproblem s,so Iknow how dif f i cultitcan be,particularlyfor proud m en to adm itto struggling som etim es.However,whatIonce considered aw eaknes (largelydue to unhealthyconditioning),I now considerastrength. Itw asn’tuntilrelativelyrecentlyw hen Isuddenlyfound m yselfin the m iddle ofatraum aticeventin w hich m yfriend died,thatIrealized theim portanceofhaving open and honestconversationsabout yourfeelings. Ifleftunchecked and botled up,intrusive thoughtsand feelingscan torm entyou and haveahabitofcom ingoutin otherways,often negativelyaf fecting yourbehaviorand interactionsw ith others. I’m happyto sharem ystorywith anyonewho’sinterested.And if anyone w ould like to share theirs,I’l alw aysm ake m yselfavailable and prom iseto listen withoutjudgem entand in com plete conf identiality.Itrealyisgood to talk.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 BrianCapon Hul AftersalesO f f i ce T:07872015066 E:bcapon@
Iam m aried to Sam ,and wehavethreegrown up daughtersand apuppy -Cali.W e love to travelin ourcam pervan and spend tim e eitheron the beach,oroutand aboutin woodsand thecountrysidewalkingand being in the fresh air.Lastyearw e undertookroad tripsin the cam perthattook usto Scotland (NC500),W ales,and aloverEngland. Becom ing am entalhealth angelisim portantto m ebecauseoftheold clichéthatm en do nottalk.Fartoo m anysuf ferin silence,and ifjustone person benef itsfrom thisinitiativewewilhavedonesom egood. Som etim esachatoveracuppaisalthat’sneeded to m akesurepeople are the bestversion ofthem selves.Asw e alknow life can be chalenging attim es,and it’snotalw ayslim ited to health,bereavem ent,orf inancial concerns.W ewanteveryem ployeeto know thattherearepeopleout therethatwillisten withoutprejudiceorjudgem ent,and wilof fer guidance and em otionalw elbeing support,and ultim atelyrecom m end w here som eone can seekprofes ionalhelp.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Chris Hayward Armitage HR Office
T:07919 471130 E:chayw ard@
I’m ChrisHayward and I’m theHR M anagerbased in ourArm itage site.You wilm ostlikelyf ind m eworking in theHR of f i cewhich is located on thesam ecoridorasourOccupationalHealth appointm entroom and IT. Ihaveworked within aHR/PeopleTeam foroverten yearsand what Ienjoym ostabouttherolesIhaveheld isthatIgettheopportunity dailyto m akeadif ferencebysupporting em ployeeswithin the organisation.The feeling you getafteryou’ve had am eaningful conversation with an em ployeewho needsguidanceorjust som eonewho isprepared to listen to them isoneoffulf ilm ent whereyou feelan enhanced senseofpurpose. Beingsom eonewho can supportthem entalhealth and welbeingof ourteam isextrem elyim portantto m e asm entalhealth can be quite dif f i cultto def ine because aperson’sm entalhealth chalenges,and the im pacttheyhave upon theirlife,fam ilyand friendsare individual and specif ic to them .In otherw ords,no tw o m entalhealth casesw il be experienced orm anaged in the sam e w ay.Yourm entalhealth is justasim portantasyourphysicalhealth.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 DanielFrench Hul SalesOf f i ce T:01482496281 E:dfrench@
M entalHealth hasrealybecom e itsow n overthe past decadeand Iwantto playasm uch apartin continuing itsintegration into m odern busines culture. Assom eonewho liveswith theirown m entalhealth is ues and have personalyinterview ed fam ousm usiciansand m em bersoftheToureteSyndrom ecom m unityon a publicplatform on theirexperiencesw ith m entalhealth, IfeelthatIwould benef itm ostto furthereducation and can of ferasupportsystem form ycoleagueswith discretion and understanding.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Daren Houston
Armitage ShiftLeader
T:07732694160 E:dhouston@
Ihave w orked forIdealStandard for22 years and m entalhealth issom ethingwhich isnow being highlighted farm orein thecourseofm y em ploym entso Iwould liketo help peopleon site in anyw ayIcan. M ydaughteralso struggleswith thisand I would liketo beableto giveherbeter guidanceand supportathom easwel.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Dave Vernon Armitage Engineer
I'm aTankcelengineerand havebeen hereworking at Arm itage forover36+ years. Idid m ym entalf irstaid coursein 2021justastheworld was shaking of f covid,Isaw thatM entalhealth w asakeytopic at thattim e and asw e are quite socialable creatures,and asw e had to putnearlyalourfreedom and socialactivitieson hold,Ifound alotofis uesstarted to af fectfriends,so that's whyIapplied forthetraining,and glad Idid. It'snicenow to know how to help,it'ssom ethingthatweal can do,and itcan aljustbe started w ith "How are you m ate"?
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Emily Forde Hul SalesOf f i ce
T:01482496197 E:eforde@
Iw anted to becom e aM entalHealth AngelasIbelieve thatthewelbeingofindividualsisim portantatworkand Iwould liketo help and supportwhereIcan. Ibelieve Iam agreatlistenerand IfIcan help m y coleaguesfeelalitle beter,thatisprogres . Having dealtw ith anxietym yselfaftera relationship breakdow n,Ibelieve Ican help m ycoleaguesifthey go through thesam ething and Iam alwayshereif anyonewantsto chat.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Gary Langston Armitage Specif ication SupportOf f i ce T:01543413286 E:glangston@
Ihave been atIdealStandard for2 yearsaftertransitioning from retailsales.Ithasbeen a w hirlw ind 2 yearsw ith al the structure changeswehavehad in theof f i ce,butithasbeen agreat introduction to thecom panyand theindustryasthisisabig change from seling suits& form alw are. M en'sm entalhealth hasbeen abig pas ion ofm ineforquiteafew yearsasIhave seen the ef fectm entalhealth troublescan have on people.Thisisboth from apersonalsideand also asafriend of som eonewho hasstrugglesthroughouthislife. If,bym ybeing available and open to listen to anyone,Ican help im provethesituation forjustoneperson then thetraining wilhave been m orethan worth it.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Helen Milington Hul SalesOf f i ce
T:01482346461 E:hm ilington@
Ihave w orked atIdealStandard 23 yearsthisyear.Iam m aried to an am azinghusband and Dad to our3girls.It'sneveradulm om entin m yhouseand Ihaveto arangem ysociallifearound theirs! Being in rem is ion forcancerIam loving life and living itto the fulest, m ym oto is'You onlyliveonce,enjoytheride'.M youtlooksince being diagnosed hassignif icantlychanged,and alotofthethingsI thoughtm atered realydon'tand you realisewhatisim portantand a priority in life. Becom ing am entalhealth angelishugelyim portantto m easIwant to help peoplewho arestruggling orjustneed thatperson to chatto. Ibelieve sharing aproblem m akesthe w orld ofdif ference and even justspeaking to som eoneaboutyourworiesoveracuppacan help enorm ously!Iam agreatlistenerand would loveto providesupport to anyone w ho feelstheyneed it.Ihave fam ilym em bersand friends who strugglewith theirm entalhealth and suf ferfrom depres ion and have provided supportto them overthe yearsjustbeing there to listen to them seem sto have alw ayshelped. M aking adif ferenceto som eone'slifeishugeand ifIcan onlyas istin thatthen it'ssom ethingIam pas ionateaboutdoing.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 James Burton Hul SalesOf f i ce
T:01482496298 E:jburton@
Ihave a vested interestin m entalhealth,prim arily suf fering m ostofm yadultlife,thiscontributed to som eserioushealth is uesand alengthyhospital stay. Iam now thebestversion ofm etherehasever been and w antto use m yexperiencesto help others.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Janine Toft Hul Top Floor
T:07709 100530 E:jtoft@
Ihave been w ith IdealStandard eleven yearsnow, starting on reception which Iwould sayisthehub ofthe busines m eeting and greeting alm em bersofstaf f. Iam verym uch apeopleperson,lovehelpingin anyway Ican.Ifeelveryprivileged to be aM entalHealth Angel and IhopeIwould beableto relateto som eofm y coleaguessituations. Ifeelthisisofrealim portance w ithin abusines for peopleto besupported,and Iwould hopepeoplesee m easaveryapproachableand friendlyperson and anything shared would bedealtwith utm ostofconf idence.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Jennifer De-Ste-Croix Hul SalesOf f i ce T:01482496318 E:jde-ste-croix@
Becom ing aM entalHealth Angelhasbeen im portantto m e asIhave previouslybatled w ith anxietyand depres ion and found m yselfin aplacewhereIhad litle to no guidanceon whatcould help m ef ind m ywayout ofw hatfeltlike an unescapable hole. Iwould realyliketo beableto ableto help m em bersof thebusines f ind whathelpsthem iftheyfeelliketheyare struggling and to help rem ovethestigm athatsurounds m entalhealth.
Itisabsolutelyokaynotto beokayand som etim eswe forgetthat.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Joe Munday ExternalSales W FH/Arm itage
T:07872014867 E:jm unday@
Iam the RegionalSalesM anagerin the South w ithin the Residential & Trade channel,Ihave been atIdealStandard for9 years,10 ifyou includem yplacem entyearattheold showroom .Iam curently living in af latin South EastLondon butam in theproces of m oving housetowardsSevenoaks/Tonbridgein Kent.Thism ovewil m ean m orespaceand agarden,so Ican f inalyenjoytheoutdoors dailyand utilisethegarden forBBQsin thesum m er! Im aried m yhigh-schoolsw eetheartAnnie nearlytw o yearsago now aftertaking 12 yearsto askthe question! IfeelthatIam an em phaticperson so becom ing aM entalHealth AngelwilbeagreatwaythatIcan help others.M ostpeoplewil experience som e sortofm entalhealth is ue throughouttheirlives orarejustdealing with hard tim esand Ihavewitnes ed thisthrough m yfriends& fam ilyand understand thetolthiscan haveon life, workand yourhealth.Thereforebecom ing aM entalHealth Angel wasim portantform easitcan alow m eto supportothersin the workplaceaswelasoutsideofit.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Kely Beazer Hul M arketing Of f i ce
T:07881846255 E:kbeazer@
Iam delighted to becom e aM entalHealth AngelatIdeal Standard,thisinitiative isso im portantw hen w e know that m entalhealth ison theriseand hasbeen foralong tim e. Coping with althestrugglesthatlifehasto of fercan be veryoverwhelm ingand som etim estheybecom etoo m uch, so havingagood networkofpeoplearound you isvery im portant.Itiseasyto feellike you are burdening people w ith yourworiesbutbybeingaM entalHealth AngelIhopethis breaksdown thatbarierbyalowing peopleto feelthattheir own strugglesdo m aterand thereisaspaceforthem to talk aboutthem which issafeand conf idential. Istrugglewith m yown m entalhealth from tim eto tim eand Isupportfriendsand fam ilywho struggletoo.W hilstf inding coping strategiesform yselfand othersIfeelIhave gained a lotofexperiencein being agood listener,com pas ionateand when needed som eonewho can m akeyou laugh!
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Leah Pretyman Hul TopFloorFinance
T:07394 569815 E:lpretym an@
I’ve been atIdealStandard 8 m onths,and I’ve struggled w ith m y ow n M entalHealth overthe last10 years.Iw anted to becom e a M entalHealth Angelaswhen Ispoketo m ym anagersatm yprevious em ployersto discus whatwasgoingon with m yown health,they w eren’ttrained to supportoras istm e in anyw ay.Thisw asarealy negative f irstexperience ofseeking help-som ething w hich Idon’t wantothersto experience!Seeking supportand reaching outshould beapositivestep,notanegativeone! IthinkM entalHealth in generalisn'tdiscus ed enough,and it’s im portantto m ake people aw are ofservicesand support,before they even realise theym ayneed it. Having som eoneto talkto can beso benef icial,and ifwecan educateourselvesasacom panyand im proveourM entalHealth aw arenes the positive af fectsofthatcan spread beyond the w orkplace,m aking usalbetercoleagues,friends,and hum an beings.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Lydia Burges Hul TopFloor,HR
T:07395358193 E:lburges @
Ihavebeen with IdealStandard for8 m onthsnow but throughoutm yHR career,welbeing hasbeen ahuge pas ion ofm ine.M entalHealth ef fectseveryone in dif ferentwaysand Ithinkwecan alm ostalsaythat weknow som eonewho doesstrugglewith their m entalhealth. Ithinkitisim portantthatwecan supporteach other through w oriesthatm ayarise.Please reach outifyou are everstruggling;there isalw ayssom eone to listen. Itisokaynotto beokay,butitisnotokaynotto talk!
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 Marie Long Armitage M anufacturing
T:07526190049 E:m long@
Iam the Health and SafetyM anagerforthe m anufacturing facility,and m ykeyfocusisto ensure everyone’ssafetyis m aintained and prioritised atal tim es. In relation to m entalhealth,Iw antto ensure no one feels likethereisnowhereto turn.Even when weare surounded bythose thatcare,w e can feeltrulyisolated attim esofcrisis.Know thatyou m ater,you arenotalone and wecare,m orepeoplethinkthesam easyou than you imagine. Tryto talk,even ifw e canthelp directly,w e can signpost you to servicesthatcan dealw ith the neces aryareaof specialism ,w hilstchecking in to ensure you are alright. ItsOK,notto beOK and alwaysrem em berthatyou are im portant,and there’saplace foryou in thisw orld,w ith people thatcare aboutyou.Everyone M aters.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Martin Roberts Hom ebased
T:07787128798 E:m roberts@
Ihave been w ith IdealStandard for5 yearsnow and am m aried w ith 3 children.
Being aM entalHealth Angelisim portantto m e,Iw antto bepartofan organisation thatnotonlyacknowledgesthe m entalhealth chalengesthatw e encounterfrom tim e to tim e butalso activelyw orksto addres the problem s.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Maycie Huley Armitage Specif ication Support
T:01543413221 E:m huley@
Ibecam e aM entalHealth AngelasIhave alot off irstand second hand experienceswith M entalHealth and Ihave been supported by som e incredible individuals.
Iwantto bethatsupportforothers.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Michele McNicol Armitage DC LogisticsOf f i ce
T:01543413362 E:m m cnicol@
Idecided to applyto be aM entalHealth Angel. During m yow n strugglesI’ve realised the im portanceoftalkingand to havesom eonenot judgeyou,butto justlisten which wasgreatform e.
Ijustwantto help supportsom eonein thesam e w ayIw as.
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Rachel Parot Armitage PlantOperationsOf f i ce T:07770 430907 E:rparot@
Iw anted to becom e aM entalHealth AngelasIbelieve thatit’s im portantthatwelookafterourm entalhealth aswelasour physicalhealth.Anybodycan struggle atdif ferentpartsoftheir life,due to m anydif ferenttriggers,buthaving som eone available to talkto,can m akealthedif ferenceand show thatyou don’t haveto beonyourown. Itcan som etim esbe easierto speakto astrangerthan som eone close,butwearebuilding agreatnetworkofsupportforal ourcoleaguesand friends.
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