Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Andrew Cororan Armitage M odelingDepartm ent
Iused to betheguywho thought‘m an up’and don'tburden others with yourproblem s,so Iknow how dif f i cultitcan be,particularlyfor proud m en to adm itto struggling som etim es.However,whatIonce considered aw eaknes (largelydue to unhealthyconditioning),I now considerastrength. Itw asn’tuntilrelativelyrecentlyw hen Isuddenlyfound m yselfin the m iddle ofatraum aticeventin w hich m yfriend died,thatIrealized theim portanceofhaving open and honestconversationsabout yourfeelings. Ifleftunchecked and botled up,intrusive thoughtsand feelingscan torm entyou and haveahabitofcom ingoutin otherways,often negativelyaf fecting yourbehaviorand interactionsw ith others. I’m happyto sharem ystorywith anyonewho’sinterested.And if anyone w ould like to share theirs,I’l alw aysm ake m yselfavailable and prom iseto listen withoutjudgem entand in com plete conf identiality.Itrealyisgood to talk.
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