Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 3 Helen Milington Hul SalesOf f i ce

T:01482346461 E:hm ilington@

Ihave w orked atIdealStandard 23 yearsthisyear.Iam m aried to an am azinghusband and Dad to our3girls.It'sneveradulm om entin m yhouseand Ihaveto arangem ysociallifearound theirs! Being in rem is ion forcancerIam loving life and living itto the fulest, m ym oto is'You onlyliveonce,enjoytheride'.M youtlooksince being diagnosed hassignif icantlychanged,and alotofthethingsI thoughtm atered realydon'tand you realisewhatisim portantand a priority in life. Becom ing am entalhealth angelishugelyim portantto m easIwant to help peoplewho arestruggling orjustneed thatperson to chatto. Ibelieve sharing aproblem m akesthe w orld ofdif ference and even justspeaking to som eoneaboutyourworiesoveracuppacan help enorm ously!Iam agreatlistenerand would loveto providesupport to anyone w ho feelstheyneed it.Ihave fam ilym em bersand friends who strugglewith theirm entalhealth and suf ferfrom depres ion and have provided supportto them overthe yearsjustbeing there to listen to them seem sto have alw ayshelped. M aking adif ferenceto som eone'slifeishugeand ifIcan onlyas istin thatthen it'ssom ethingIam pas ionateaboutdoing.

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