Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 3 Gary Langston Armitage Specif ication SupportOf f i ce T:01543413286 E:glangston@

Ihave been atIdealStandard for2 yearsaftertransitioning from retailsales.Ithasbeen a w hirlw ind 2 yearsw ith al the structure changeswehavehad in theof f i ce,butithasbeen agreat introduction to thecom panyand theindustryasthisisabig change from seling suits& form alw are. M en'sm entalhealth hasbeen abig pas ion ofm ineforquiteafew yearsasIhave seen the ef fectm entalhealth troublescan have on people.Thisisboth from apersonalsideand also asafriend of som eonewho hasstrugglesthroughouthislife. If,bym ybeing available and open to listen to anyone,Ican help im provethesituation forjustoneperson then thetraining wilhave been m orethan worth it.

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