Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 2 Janine Toft Hul Top Floor

T:07709 100530 E:jtoft@

Ihave been w ith IdealStandard eleven yearsnow, starting on reception which Iwould sayisthehub ofthe busines m eeting and greeting alm em bersofstaf f. Iam verym uch apeopleperson,lovehelpingin anyway Ican.Ifeelveryprivileged to be aM entalHealth Angel and IhopeIwould beableto relateto som eofm y coleaguessituations. Ifeelthisisofrealim portance w ithin abusines for peopleto besupported,and Iwould hopepeoplesee m easaveryapproachableand friendlyperson and anything shared would bedealtwith utm ostofconf idence.

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