Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Jennifer De-Ste-Croix Hul SalesOf f i ce T:01482496318 E:jde-ste-croix@
Becom ing aM entalHealth Angelhasbeen im portantto m e asIhave previouslybatled w ith anxietyand depres ion and found m yselfin aplacewhereIhad litle to no guidanceon whatcould help m ef ind m ywayout ofw hatfeltlike an unescapable hole. Iwould realyliketo beableto ableto help m em bersof thebusines f ind whathelpsthem iftheyfeelliketheyare struggling and to help rem ovethestigm athatsurounds m entalhealth.
Itisabsolutelyokaynotto beokayand som etim eswe forgetthat.
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