Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 3 Marie Long Armitage M anufacturing

T:07526190049 E:m long@

Iam the Health and SafetyM anagerforthe m anufacturing facility,and m ykeyfocusisto ensure everyone’ssafetyis m aintained and prioritised atal tim es. In relation to m entalhealth,Iw antto ensure no one feels likethereisnowhereto turn.Even when weare surounded bythose thatcare,w e can feeltrulyisolated attim esofcrisis.Know thatyou m ater,you arenotalone and wecare,m orepeoplethinkthesam easyou than you imagine. Tryto talk,even ifw e canthelp directly,w e can signpost you to servicesthatcan dealw ith the neces aryareaof specialism ,w hilstchecking in to ensure you are alright. ItsOK,notto beOK and alwaysrem em berthatyou are im portant,and there’saplace foryou in thisw orld,w ith people thatcare aboutyou.Everyone M aters.

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