Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 3 Lydia Burges Hul TopFloor,HR

T:07395358193 E:lburges @

Ihavebeen with IdealStandard for8 m onthsnow but throughoutm yHR career,welbeing hasbeen ahuge pas ion ofm ine.M entalHealth ef fectseveryone in dif ferentwaysand Ithinkwecan alm ostalsaythat weknow som eonewho doesstrugglewith their m entalhealth. Ithinkitisim portantthatwecan supporteach other through w oriesthatm ayarise.Please reach outifyou are everstruggling;there isalw ayssom eone to listen. Itisokaynotto beokay,butitisnotokaynotto talk!

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