Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 3 BrianCapon Hul AftersalesO f f i ce T:07872015066 E:bcapon@
Iam m aried to Sam ,and wehavethreegrown up daughtersand apuppy -Cali.W e love to travelin ourcam pervan and spend tim e eitheron the beach,oroutand aboutin woodsand thecountrysidewalkingand being in the fresh air.Lastyearw e undertookroad tripsin the cam perthattook usto Scotland (NC500),W ales,and aloverEngland. Becom ing am entalhealth angelisim portantto m ebecauseoftheold clichéthatm en do nottalk.Fartoo m anysuf ferin silence,and ifjustone person benef itsfrom thisinitiativewewilhavedonesom egood. Som etim esachatoveracuppaisalthat’sneeded to m akesurepeople are the bestversion ofthem selves.Asw e alknow life can be chalenging attim es,and it’snotalw ayslim ited to health,bereavem ent,orf inancial concerns.W ewanteveryem ployeeto know thattherearepeopleout therethatwillisten withoutprejudiceorjudgem ent,and wilof fer guidance and em otionalw elbeing support,and ultim atelyrecom m end w here som eone can seekprofes ionalhelp.
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