Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Chris Hayward Armitage HR Office
T:07919 471130 E:chayw ard@
I’m ChrisHayward and I’m theHR M anagerbased in ourArm itage site.You wilm ostlikelyf ind m eworking in theHR of f i cewhich is located on thesam ecoridorasourOccupationalHealth appointm entroom and IT. Ihaveworked within aHR/PeopleTeam foroverten yearsand what Ienjoym ostabouttherolesIhaveheld isthatIgettheopportunity dailyto m akeadif ferencebysupporting em ployeeswithin the organisation.The feeling you getafteryou’ve had am eaningful conversation with an em ployeewho needsguidanceorjust som eonewho isprepared to listen to them isoneoffulf ilm ent whereyou feelan enhanced senseofpurpose. Beingsom eonewho can supportthem entalhealth and welbeingof ourteam isextrem elyim portantto m e asm entalhealth can be quite dif f i cultto def ine because aperson’sm entalhealth chalenges,and the im pacttheyhave upon theirlife,fam ilyand friendsare individual and specif ic to them .In otherw ords,no tw o m entalhealth casesw il be experienced orm anaged in the sam e w ay.Yourm entalhealth is justasim portantasyourphysicalhealth.
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