Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 2 Joe Munday ExternalSales W FH/Arm itage

T:07872014867 E:jm unday@

Iam the RegionalSalesM anagerin the South w ithin the Residential & Trade channel,Ihave been atIdealStandard for9 years,10 ifyou includem yplacem entyearattheold showroom .Iam curently living in af latin South EastLondon butam in theproces of m oving housetowardsSevenoaks/Tonbridgein Kent.Thism ovewil m ean m orespaceand agarden,so Ican f inalyenjoytheoutdoors dailyand utilisethegarden forBBQsin thesum m er! Im aried m yhigh-schoolsw eetheartAnnie nearlytw o yearsago now aftertaking 12 yearsto askthe question! IfeelthatIam an em phaticperson so becom ing aM entalHealth AngelwilbeagreatwaythatIcan help others.M ostpeoplewil experience som e sortofm entalhealth is ue throughouttheirlives orarejustdealing with hard tim esand Ihavewitnes ed thisthrough m yfriends& fam ilyand understand thetolthiscan haveon life, workand yourhealth.Thereforebecom ing aM entalHealth Angel wasim portantform easitcan alow m eto supportothersin the workplaceaswelasoutsideofit.

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