Mental Health Angels
M entalHealth Angels
Level 2 Kely Beazer Hul M arketing Of f i ce
T:07881846255 E:kbeazer@
Iam delighted to becom e aM entalHealth AngelatIdeal Standard,thisinitiative isso im portantw hen w e know that m entalhealth ison theriseand hasbeen foralong tim e. Coping with althestrugglesthatlifehasto of fercan be veryoverwhelm ingand som etim estheybecom etoo m uch, so havingagood networkofpeoplearound you isvery im portant.Itiseasyto feellike you are burdening people w ith yourworiesbutbybeingaM entalHealth AngelIhopethis breaksdown thatbarierbyalowing peopleto feelthattheir own strugglesdo m aterand thereisaspaceforthem to talk aboutthem which issafeand conf idential. Istrugglewith m yown m entalhealth from tim eto tim eand Isupportfriendsand fam ilywho struggletoo.W hilstf inding coping strategiesform yselfand othersIfeelIhave gained a lotofexperiencein being agood listener,com pas ionateand when needed som eonewho can m akeyou laugh!
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