Mental Health Angels

M entalHealth Angels

Level 3 Leah Pretyman Hul TopFloorFinance

T:07394 569815 E:lpretym an@

I’ve been atIdealStandard 8 m onths,and I’ve struggled w ith m y ow n M entalHealth overthe last10 years.Iw anted to becom e a M entalHealth Angelaswhen Ispoketo m ym anagersatm yprevious em ployersto discus whatwasgoingon with m yown health,they w eren’ttrained to supportoras istm e in anyw ay.Thisw asarealy negative f irstexperience ofseeking help-som ething w hich Idon’t wantothersto experience!Seeking supportand reaching outshould beapositivestep,notanegativeone! IthinkM entalHealth in generalisn'tdiscus ed enough,and it’s im portantto m ake people aw are ofservicesand support,before they even realise theym ayneed it. Having som eoneto talkto can beso benef icial,and ifwecan educateourselvesasacom panyand im proveourM entalHealth aw arenes the positive af fectsofthatcan spread beyond the w orkplace,m aking usalbetercoleagues,friends,and hum an beings.

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